Fabian Cahenzli, Dr.

former PhD student, completed PhD in 2012

research area

e-mail: fabian.cahenzli@fibl.org


2018  Divergent strategies in pre- and postzygotic reproductive isolation between two closely related Dianthus species — Cahenzli F, Bonetti C & Erhardt A — Evolution 72: 1851–1862

2015  Female butterflies adapt and allocate their progeny to the host-plant quality of their own larval experience — Cahenzli F, Wenk BA & Erhardt A — Ecology 96: 1966–1973

2013  Nectar amino acids enhance reproduction in male butterflies — Cahenzli F & Erhardt A — Oecologia 171: 197–205

2013  Transgenerational acclimatization in an herbivore-host plant relationship — Cahenzli F & Erhardt A — Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B - Biological Sciences 280: 20122856

2012  Enhancing offspring quality or quantity? Different ways for using nectar amino acids in female butterflies — Cahenzli F & Erhardt A — Oecologia 169: 1005–1014

2012  Nectar sugars enhance fitness in male Coenonympha pamphilus butterflies by increasing longevity or realized reproduction — Cahenzli F & Erhardt A — Oikos 121: 1417–1423

2012  Host plant defence in the larval stage affects feeding behaviour in adult butterflies — Cahenzli F & Erhardt A — Animal Behaviour 84: 995–1000

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Fabian Cahenzli